March Haul - Clinelle & Himalaya

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah...
moshi moshi

This month, i'm planning to start practicing new skincare product. I'm eager to try Himalaya and Clinelle since both are quite popular for acne / blemish solution. Good reviews, reasonable price & easy to find (Guardian / Watson / Aeon). So, hopefully with new skincare & discipline routine possess good results :) Please treat my skin well ne~ 

Himalaya Herbals Purifying Neem Scrub
Normal to Oily Skin
Bought at Guardian
Price : RM 25.40
Experience : I have use this scrub 3 times already, i like the smells, the textures, gently enough for my skin.
Clinelle Purifying Cleanser 
Recommended by sales assistant at Gurdian 
For oily & blemish prone skin
Price : RM 28.81 
Experience: This is my current day-night cleanser. I only need very small amount of it, (so menjimatkan right) lather with water and has a pleasant smell. 

Clinelle Purifying Gel Moisturizer
For Oily & blemish prone skin
Price : RM 23,92
Experience : My current day-night moisturizer. Gel type moisturizer I've ever use. After one application, this moisturizer leaves kinda oily feels on face. 

Clinelle Blemish Clear Mask
For Oily & blemish prone skin
Price : RM 29.90
Experience : I have use it once but not very clear on how to use it, even though ada steps provided. The texture tidak seperti yang I imagine. It doesn't looks like the common face mask. It is light creamy white but hey! I still find it's good for refreshing and soothing feelings of my skin. 

So far, I quite berpuas hati dengan produk Clinelle, Baru 2 weeks I need more time untuk make sure keserasian dengan produk ni, berharap sangat hasilnya terbaik dengan kulit muka cause malas dah nak mencari & mencuba produk baru lagi, huhuhu. Now, kalau ada breakout tu, akan cepat reda compared to before I guess because this range of product contains anti-bacteria formula and formulated specially for acne prone skin so it can be trusted. Jaa,mata..
Happy Skin :)


  1. Assalamualaikum . Sis, did u still using clinelle for 2017?

    1. Waalaikumsalam. Not anymore because sis gets bored with those products. lol. Not much help esp the moisturizer ones. But currently i'm using pureswiss hydracalm lotion from clinelle. It works well as toner & moisturizer.


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