
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah.
Moshi moshi

Good news my keyboard is functioning well. Now I dah tak perlu copy paste huruf ’e’, boleh shortcut keys. Alhamdulillah! I don’t know how cause it’s recovered naturally, and i’m so happy!!!

Back to the topic, last Sunday I was eager to try home made cream made from aloe vera & lemon which is targeted to cure acne. Yup! Currently muka I banyak acne scar, one of the reason is selalu skip facial wash before sleep esp when I started to wear CC cream + sunblock a few months ago, woah! It does clogged my pores & muka I starting to berjerawat here & there. Sobs!Sobs!Sobs!

Oklah, so i thought this could be a good formula to try since the ingredients only involving aloe vera & lemon, natural ingredients. Yang best nya both plants ada ditanam di rumah, so I bet there won’t be any problem/harm. Makanya, that tengah hari before zohor, I mulakan misi mengambil beberapa biji buah lemon, undoubtedly semut pulak memang banyak, kena gigit la sana sini kat lengan. Then, I picked 2 aloe vera, washed, and cut-through to get the gel. That time I perasan yang lengan & wrist I ada bengkak – bengkak so I sapu lah gel aloe vera on that area. Same goes to my face, part – part yang ada acne itu. Konon – kononnya untuk remedies. 

After I dah settle mixing aloe vera + lemon, taruk dalam satu botol kaca and keep in fridge, I berkira – kira nak start pakai as face mask malam nanti. Seriously I tak teringat pasal alergi or whatsoever. Badan pulak makin gatal – gatal, makin merah, muka dah macam plastic surgery yang tak jadi. Seriously!! I apply minyak gamat around wrist, lengan, mandi & tukar baju but still tak hilang gatal. Minum air kosong banyak – banyak + al-fatihah-selawat syifa’ sampai tak terbilang berapa kali ke tandas. Time tu affected area macam kena ‘kelekata’.

Around 8pm, our neighborhood area blackout dalam setengah jam macam tu. I told my mom about this, so she ask me to drink air zamzam, baca doa, tak lama lepas tu I rasa pitam, cepat – cepat baring atas katil. At that moment, mata kiri I still affected, around my lengan & wrist dah kurang tapi di bahagian kaki & badan makin banyak & gatal!!! Around 10 pm, my sis balik dari kerja and tegur why mata I bengkak. So, I bagitahu apa yang patut, apart from the pitam story one. She asked dah gi klinik? I didn’t sebab ingat gatal – gatal biasa. Woke up, selepas Kosmo;my cat datang kacau & feel like nak ke toilet and yeah I nak minum minuman manis, milo, cause I thought I'm lack of sugar perhaps that’s why I rasa nak pitam. Teringat pulak ada ulangan drama Spy kat KBS World, bolehlah tengok cadangnya.

Syukur after I selesai dengan business I kat toilet tu, I rasa nak pitam lagi. Dalam hati berdoa biar sempat keluar dari toilet tu, and I sempat berpaut di luar. Sedar – sedar jer I dah terbaring. Yeah, I dapat rasa yang I terbaring depan toilet, but I don’t feel any pain on my head / body ker.. Masya Allah. I bangun untuk ke bilik, one more time I rasa nak pitam again, yang ni memang uncontrollable, my sis cakap I dah tersembam di sofa, luckily sofa tu lembut, I don’t feel anything. I tersedar when I dengar suara my sis, she hold me, this scene reminds me with what happened to mom last / few months ago. Bila dah tersedar tu, I mintak milo, nak minum minuman manis, meanwhile my family carikan proper wears & my IC. Sis nak bawak gi hospital KPJ. Poor her, baru sahaja balik kerja dah kena bergegas semula ke sana.

Alhamdulillah, sampai KPJ I dah segar. Sis ambil my BP, body temperature. Jumpa Doc.check here & there. Gatal – gatal tu pun dah hilang tah ke mana. Pandai! Based on my story, konklusinya I may ada alergi sama itu aloe vera in contacts way. Processed one ok la, macam minuman aloe vera kan but unprocessed may be not. So beware after this! Since, bengkak – bengkak tu dah surut, I tak perlu injection, cuma perlu makan ubat. Selepas Doc. prescript ubat, my sis bayarkan bil, then dah boleh balik.  

Alhamdulillah i’m okay now but still hari ini dalam sejarah. Mohon berhati – hati selepas ini. Syukurlah I tidak buat jus, oh! I tidak boleh berfikir consequences nya, mungkin lebih teruk. So please! Beware dengan apa yang bahan / product yang kita gunakan. If any negative reactions occurred cepat – cepatlah  cari penawar don’t take it lightly. Take care :)


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