Quick Review : NUTOX Cleansing Oil


Double cleansing is necessary for my night skincare routine. Cleanses face using cleansing oil first then proceed dengan cleanser yang biasa. Sebelum ni aku dah cuba cleansing milk daripada The Face Shop & cleansing oil daripada Nature Republic. Both are okay malah aku suka sangat dengan cleansing oil brand Nature Republic cuma agak sukar nak dapat sebab kena beli thru online. Malasnya nak tunggu courier service datang hantar & cubaan untuk mengelak daripada membeli unnecessary things, so aku cari alternatif lain; mudah untuk didapati & affordable walaupun aku kena keluar untuk shopping which is bab unnecessary tu kebarangkaliannya lebih tinggi. 😁Anyway, Alhamdulillah, aku dah jumpa satu brand yang memenuhi cita rasa aku which is NUTOX. Remember 'Stay Young', Fazura. Di Malaysia, produk NUTOX kategori senior la, over 10 years kot bertapak kat negara ni sebab time aku di sekolah menengah lagi, zaman meteor garden, zaman winter sonata gitu brand ni dah ada, but unsure about this product, formulasi baru barangkali. Okay lah, straight to the point aku sekadar nak share apa yang aku 👍 & 👎 about this product but before that, let's get to know serba sedikit about this product.

Product : Cleansing Oil (Remove Makeup|Cleanse|Protect|) 
Brand : NUTOX
Size : 200 ml
Price: Normal (MYR 30~35) Special (MYR 25-30)
All Skin Types
Made in Taiwan
No Paraben|No Mineral Oil|No Colourant|No Alcohol|No Fragrance

“ NUTOX 3-in-1 Cleansing oil goes deep to dissolve waterproof makeup, pore clogging impurities and white heads instantly without striping away the natural moisture from your skin. 
Formulated with oils of Sweet Almond and Organic Grapefruits, it cleanses and refreshes skin while Bird’s Nest extract protects skin from signs of ageing.”

What I 👍 :
·         Packaging : 4/5. Clear, simple & informative. Apa yang this product claims, directions to use, ingredients, tarikh MFG, tarikh EXP dan segala alamat surat menyurat sangat jelas. Since it’s an international product, so segalanya in english.
·         Consistency of oil : 4/5. Walaupun dia suggest one pump for light make up removal tapi aku lebih selesa dengan 2 pumps. The oil sedikit cair berbanding cleansing oil brand Nature Republic yang aku guna sebelum ni, the Chamomile one.
·         Scent : 3/5. Sekali dua pakai memang tak berapa berkenan dengan bau dia, kinda menyengat but after few uses, okay jer sebenanrnya.
·         Pump : Convenient. Ciri yang wajib ada pada sesebuah botol. 
·         Affordable. 4.5/5 . For me, this cleansing oil yang harganya below MYR 40 untuk size 200 ml adalah berpatutan. Walaupun hakikatnya aku mengharapkan harga patut sekitar 20++, tapi dengan keadaan ekonomi sekarang dengan ringgit drop lagi, cukai GST, grrrrr. Oops. Okay, still jimat sebab 1 botol boleh bertahan sampai 5 ke 6 bulan besides aku ni make up pun tak pakai, guna pun once daily. Tetapi harga tu bergantung juga pada tempat yang korang beli, cause ada place yang jual sampai MYR 40++. Survey lah dulu.
·         Availability : 5/5. Any shopping complex dan drugstore ada jual produk ni.Out of stock jarang sekali.
·         All skin types.

What I 👎 :
·         Be careful to your eyes. It stings. 

Repurchased : Yes.

Maybe apa yang dia claimed tu tak beri hundred % effect on my skin 😄 but tak pula damaging my skin  so overall i'm happy with this product. Anyway, I have the 2nd bottle to be used up next already. What to do 1st bottle pun tak habis lagi ni. Hopefully, u guys will love this product as much as I do. Bye.

18/4 side note: HAHAHA...how can I terlepas pandang. Selama ini, I thought I dah cukup semak segala ingredients dalam cleansing oil ni dekat COSDNA tau but recently, I found out that this product contain Ethylhexyl palmitate yang boleh triggered acne means tak sesuai la sayang untuk acne-prone skin. Sedihnya sebab I dah pakai 3rd bottle okay. Now, i dah give up dengan cleansing oil because of that ingredient la, skala 4 kot. Now, beralih dengan micellar water (malasnya sebab kena pakai cotton pad huhuhu). Okay lah, next time kalau rajin I story pasal micellar water pulak.

Stay young with NUTOX.


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