Come back….wo hui lai le..23

Salam…..ahnyeong^^^ Chinese new year + mid sem holiday dh pun hbh, now kene wat come back coz only 1 month++ left before final exam….kyaa!!!! gerun……

Last Friday sambut birthday ngn family, dpt jgk mkn mousse cake kali ni-sponsored by uri omma…^^^kamsahamnida....

Aigoo,tym cuti ari tu dpt tgk MAMA kt 8tv….kyaa!!!! Excited…….^^Dun know la,mybe sbb performance besh2 tym tu & paling best DBSK ada menang mlm tu....even only JaeChunSu yg dtg bagi ucapan tp terubat jgk rindu di hati nie…he33…..dun know why...they look real gorgeous kt dlm tv....hak33....

aku dh jth hati skali lg ngn 2pm!!!! heartbeat really touch my soul...the lyric so meaningful eventhough aku x prnh mengalami ape yg tertulis dlm lagu tu tp menjiwai itu penting...haha..OveR.....& for some unavoidable reasons aku semakin suke kt Junsu.....oh no!!!!!again & again..............

lol.........Bz-Bz jgk tp sempat la melayan tohoshinki and Rain kt bilik…..ha33….^^^^^^

For SUJU…..welcome to Malaysia this March^^^^^^

Next tym, waiting for “my name is Khan” dvd….miss them together^^^^

preparing for:::
2pm 1st album-1.59 pm

The secret code live concert Tokyo dome-

Jaane…take care^^^sulshime…….

MySpace Graphics
2pm Heartbeat Graphics & 2pm Pictures


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