tohoshinki jd cover--postcard SUJU...!!

cun..!!cun..!!YG magazine-majalah bhs cina..Tohoshinki jd cover..sempat jgk belek2 kat PSI

td*PSI-pustaka Sri Intan-* hak3..belek2 jer tgk gambar..mujurlah,pics2 dorank ni ensem2

sume....berbaloi!!!*perkara bese yg aku wat utk mags2 yg aku x fhm isi kandungannya* LOL *

sedeynyer~~ tp yg aku tau kali ni dok emphasize psl 4th album THSK- The Secret Code..musti

menarik..!!!*mak,nak bljr mandarin skg jgk..!!!*

tp as long as i get the gist of wat the article about,i will be happily ever after

satisfied..he33..ayat bese utk aku..

br je td dok borak2 psl 3rd album Suju dh kuar postcard cun melecun punyer..every member

tau..jgn marah...setiap member punyer pic ade tulis title track pas2 kalau br2 nk knl pun sng
jer sbb nm dorank pun ade...

but the real story,aku x jd beli pun... even aku dh pegang the last copy YG

magazine tu aku blh lagi tukar fikiran..hak3...mmg RM5 jer tp apabila mengenangkan

pen utk pekse aku dh

kekurangan dakwat i have to choose...luckily,xde big poster DBSK ker/

SUJU ker..kalau x mau lama lg aku kt c2...hehe~~

~~~~~~~malaysian ELF's & CASSIE's get ur copy rite now!!!


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