
Showing posts from May, 2015

Jom Masak : Korean chive pancake

Assalamualaikumwarahmatullah... もしもし 你好 안녕하세요 U guys suka cucur? lempeng or pancake? Baru - baru ni aku menyelongkar blog - blog resepi masakan Korea and sangat berminat nak buat korean pancake. Semestinya aku akan mencari resepi yang simple, mudah untuk peroleh bahan - bahannya contohnya korean pancake mix tu available at Aeon Supermarket and semestinya halal & tasty. So, I decided to cook one of popular korean snack which is buchujeon ( 부추전)  aka chives pancake aka lempeng kucai. Alhamdulillah. I'm glad that I'm able to share this simple dish with my family, and my mom totally love it. Keep asking when I'm going to cook this again. Dad? Never mind. He knows that I'm trying to copy what we've seen on 2 days 1 night cooking episode. Kantoi already. See! Happiness overload. Anyway, u can look up the original recipe from aeriskitchen website :) Steps:

Puasa ganti

Assalamualaikumwarahmatullah... moshimoshi Hari ini dalam bulan Islam sudah memasuki 25 Rejab 1436 H, pejam celik sebulan ++ sahaja lagi InsyaAllah jika dipanjangkan umur kita akan bertemu bulan Ramadhan, yakni bulan puasa. Dah get ready semua? Puasa ganti buat gadis - gadis bagaimana? Andai belum diselesaikan masih ada ruang lagi ya, jangan tangguh - tangguh lagi. Ehem. Ini juga ingatan buat aku, buat masa ini masih memasuki fasa puasa ganti, ada beberapa hari lagi, asyik bertangguh dan leka now baru nak memulakan misi. Tidak mahu jadi seperti tahun lepas, last - last minutes ganti puasa aku terus demam. Akhirnya kena forward 4 hari ke tahun ini. Fidyah tu. Aku kena cari solusinya. Seingat aku masa zaman muda remaja dulu, tak pernah bertangguh macam ni. Usually akan segera qada' kan puasa dalam bulan syawal atau sebelum muharram. Almaklumlah nak qada' puasa banyak - banyak di sekolah rasa berat sangat dugaan tu nanti, so sedaya upaya settlekan ketika di rumah. Sedihnya...

Random facts about me

Assalamualaikumwarahmatullah... moshi moshi. Sedikit outdated. Anyway better late than never. Hehehe. Cliche. At one time this particular thing was a trend on social media macam - macam hashtags- funfacts, randomfacts, mostly short and sweet just like dulu - dulu yang kita tulis dalam buku, my biodata. Oh my~ Rindu nya. Handwriting, one or two pages, letak gambar, and kalau takde idea boleh copy paste pattern orang lain. Innocence sungguh time tu. Kenangan terindah. Even though  nobody has asked / tagged me to do this random facts whatsoever, I tetap gigih nak buat. Hahaha. Well i guess kalau orang suruh jadi burden pula kan, so I just  make the simple one, random but true. InsyaAllah tiada yang tercedera dalam post ni.  I was born at home. 20 Jamadil akhir, February 19th, Thursday, 9.10 pm. O+ blood type. 5’3”. Wish 4 or 5 inches taller. I have a wonderful and loving parents. May Allah bless them always. 3 siblings. One sis, one bro and me. Badmin...

My skincare products

Assalamualaikumwarahmatullah... moshi moshi One of my wish this year is to have a happy clear face. Almaklumlah semenjak muka aku ni diklasifikasikan sebagai acne/oily type nampaknya aku kena re-audit my daily skincare products. So far, I'm using product range from Clinelle, The Face Shop, Himalaya and Garden of Eden. All these products can be found at Aeon Supermarket (formerly known as Jaya Jusco), which is one of my favorite shopping center. Under one roof, there are Guardian, The Face Shop and Watson where I usually go shopping for these products & of course price comparison. Night :  I've been using The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Cleansing Milk for over 6 months and this is my 2nd bottle already. By using dry hands, I apply adequate amount to my dry face, massage a little bit, and wash off. It does leaves oily feels after I wash my face because the purpose of using this product is to remove the make-up and dirt all over face. Continue with Clinelle purifyin...

Sembang-sembang Career Fair MCTF 2015

Assalamualaikumwarahmatullah... moshi moshi               Hai... have you ever heard about MCTF? One of the largest career fair organized by Jobstreet Malaysia involving big companies usually held at Mid Valley. This year, Alhamdulillah aku berkesempatan untuk meninjau & mencari pengalaman di sana as Jobseeker! Program ini berlangsung selama 3 hari (24th - 26th April 2015), tapi aku hanya attend Saturday session. Direct pagi tu dari perak, arrived safely at KL Sentral  around 10.30 am, pergi lunch kat Dubu Dubu NU Sentral then baru proceed ke Mid Valley. Since hari tu hari Sabtu, hari cuti, tengah hari pula, lebih baik settlekan lunch & apa yang patut sebab dah boleh bayangkan kesesakan di Mid Valley nanti.            So,beli tiket pergi & balik RM 2, tunggu train ke Seremban kalau tak silap di platform 5, sesak nya dalam train memang tak boleh dinafikan, i guess ramai yang menuju ke Mid. ...