
Showing posts from February, 2010

Come back….wo hui lai le..23

Salam…..ahnyeong^^^ Chinese new year + mid sem holiday dh pun hbh, now kene wat come back coz only 1 month++ left before final exam….kyaa!!!! gerun…… Last Friday sambut birthday ngn family, dpt jgk mkn mousse cake kali ni-sponsored by uri omma…^^^kamsahamnida.... Aigoo,tym cuti ari tu dpt tgk MAMA kt 8tv….kyaa!!!! Excited…….^^Dun know la,mybe sbb performance besh2 tym tu & paling best DBSK ada menang mlm tu....even only JaeChunSu yg dtg bagi ucapan tp terubat jgk rindu di hati nie…he33…..dun know why...they look real gorgeous kt dlm tv....hak33.... aku dh jth hati skali lg ngn 2pm !!!! heartbeat really touch my soul...the lyric so meaningful eventhough aku x prnh mengalami ape yg tertulis dlm lagu tu tp menjiwai itu penting...haha..OveR.....& for some unavoidable reasons aku semakin suke kt Junsu.....oh no!!!!!again & again.............. lol.........Bz-Bz jgk tp sempat la melayan tohoshinki and Rain kt bilik…..ha33….^^^^^^ For SUJU…..welcome to Malaysia...

no class...salsa tonite.......

hari rabu xde klas....meanwhile nk tunggu member2 grup CTU nie,lyn blog kejap...semalam ade lab control,penatnyer tp sbb ptg xde klas so x ksh sgt... and semalam aku g derma darah utk kali ke4...besh!!!dpt mug..hak33..alhamdulillah sume okay...plak tu,1st tym dpt merchandise smlm and dpt la buku certificate baru coz yg sblm ni dh hilang daa....sedey tuL.... mlm;ak g ladies nite^__^tarian salsa beb....lagi penat dr last week daa....room8 ak siap take 5 g minum..hu33...coz last week tarian hip hop,mmg besh,puas hati aku join....wo~ho!!!tp dis tym x sakit2 bdn ag sbb dh every week buat,tido pun lena jer....hu3....well~dancing is the best exercise for me la.... kpop pun dh x update;so layan dvd Rain(1st live concert) & Tohoshinki(Secret Code)^^^^^^^^ best in Asia & World.............. kg dis week^^^

Feb...before mid-sem holiday

Salam.... dh lame gak x tinjau2 kt cn...hampir 1 month dh dok kt S.A nie...alhamdulillah fren2 kt cn pn ok...romm8 plak sume masyuk & 1 kepala so xde la stress agt... last saturday br je hbh 1st test 4 MAT then dis week dh cuti mid sem plak....sesungguhnya masa berlalu ngn pantas sgt nie,3 thn nie pejam celik jer yg rasa pun umur yg makin bertambah..hu33.... lately,x dpt nk update pun kpop sbb bz kot...huhu..alasan x konkrit kan...just nk tunggu album br dr DBSK jer..ha33... oK...hwaiting!!