dgn lafaz bismillah....permulaan post tuk ari ni... yosh!!dh 9hb utk thn 2010 nie... and 1st post tuk thn nie....xde kesempatan la nk on9 tmbh lak x thu ape yg nk dibicarakn tp sepanjang cuti semester nie dpt la layan sport kegemaranku-badminton and really admire kt beregu lelaki kor lee young-dae & jung jae-sung...harapan aku klu la dorank main lg kt msia i really wish to go there untung2 klu dorank menang dpt la raket berharga kot..he33... dis yer only plan to do the best dlm erti kata lain improve!improve!improve! that's all....hahaha... mudah2an plan utk sambung deg dis year akn tercapai!!once engineering was one thing yg wujud dlm diri aku so i hope i can do something with it!!!!! InsyaAllah.....