a little bit frustrated other words>>>frust kebimbangan for next 2/3 weeks...kyaa~~~~~~~~~~~~tym LAN,belajar benda baru>>wat cable straight through + crossover...yg straight-thru blh thn tp crossover .....nonono....just forget it!!!!blk,g CC...uitm extend datE sampai 30 sep utk degree online application....fikir2 lagi..Jaebum dh kuar 2PM,return to America...mybe he needs some time to tenangkan fikiran die yg kusut tu..everyone know people can change and no one perfect kt dlm dunia ni!!! as what Eunyuk speak out about being a for fans in front but there are many arrows behind!!!! seem hard dear^^^tvxq seem to have hard times these whatever u think is the best for U,don't let other people controlling ur precious life....We Stand By u~~~~Sarangheiyo^^^